

(isn't this worth saving?)
OK what can I talk about in this blog.......what about the thing that is making everybody or I should say mostly everybody crazy this week and days to come.......RESEARCH PAPER!!!!!.....I feel that every time somebody mentions research paper everybody goes...arghhh!!......and I totally understand. I am not going to lie this is not a walk in the park for me. I always hated doing research papers. However I should mention that I don't really mind doing this one. The reason is that is all about things that truly concern me. My topic is the contamination due to mining in my country and even though I am not living there anymore it still concerns me. If you are asking yourself WHY? well is because is my country I was born there and race there and in a way or another it hits home. I still have family in Argentina and I don't want to find out one day that they are sick or something because of the contamination when we all know that something can be done to fix the problem. Either way is really sad the fact that many people are dying and that there is people in this world that don't care about others but only about money. This is sad because money is not everything and what are they going to do with the money they make if there is no planet to "enjoy" it.

I should also mentioned that it hasn't been easy to do this research paper....all because there is a lot and believe me when I say a lot!! of information about this topic. However I'll take it like a interesting challenge and try to make it to the end the best way possible.

1 comment:

Doctor X said...

I am VERY happy that you feel motivated to write this one paper. That's how research papers should be--a pain (they are always a pain, trust me--even when you are writing about Harry Potter like I am) but somehow worth it to you personally, rather than just for a grade...