
Life is too short......enjoy it as much as possible.....

The following blog is based on the third question which is the one related to leisure time. Well to be honest I don’t really have that much time left to enjoy myself. This is because I work full time and study full time at the same time. This means that right after I get out of school, whatever time that is, I go to work. I don’t even have that much time to eat since I am always on the run.
However when I do have time to waste I watch a lot of movies, I lost count of how many movies I have seen. You can say I am a movie fanatic and I am really proud about it. I think I have to thank my mom for that since she is also a movie fan. When I am not watching movies I am watching, believe or not, discovery channel and documentaries. At the same time when it comes to comedy I love and I am serious about this I love Futurama and the Simpsons I have follow those shows since the beginning. I know I mentioned a lot of things that I could only see with the help of a TV. But I don’t spend that much time in front of it. If I see a movie is only once or twice, maximum, a week and with the other shows for me an hour or two watching them is more than enough.
I have to admit that what I do the most is take long walks either by myself or with company. I love to go to the park, and walk around, or read a book sitting under a tree. I also like to spend time with my friends. Well I hate the routine that is impossible to avoid during the week so I try my best to hand out with friends and laugh as much as I can. I also like to read either in Spanish or English, which is the reason why I have a nice collection of them. On summer I love to ride my bike to the beach or anywhere near the sea, or in the park.
I think and I know that is really hard to make time during the day with all the responsibilities and all to schedule healthy activities to spend our leisure time. However I know that is not possible, even though I don’t even have time sometimes to enjoy my leisure time. I think that the best thing to do and that many people should try is to enjoy the little free time that you have the best way possible. But not sitting in the couch and eating potato chips while watching TV, believe me that is not going to help you release the stress of the week.


Doctor X said...

I love to go to the park with friends also...that's why I love it when Spring comes, even if it means allergies also. But partly I love it because I get to see "other" people--you know, strangers--enjoying the park in their own way (even if some of the ways are annoying).

Debbie said...

Theb park is fine in the summer. what does one do in the winter time when it is cold outside? I disagree with anyone who believes you cannot relax while watching tv because it makes me fall to sleep every time. therfore the tv watched me for the most part. I am sure that the movies you watch are viewed on tv as well. since i have children I also have to be the responsible parent and monitor what they watch as well. if that means to sit in front of the tv and watch it with them i will. it depends on what you watch and how you interpret what you watch that makes the difference.

Jan Michael Dionisio said...

It's nice to get away from the people sometimes. the big city, the big crowds.. even in the parks for a little shade or read a book.
i find that the the best alone time..is to walk around the city not knowing where you're going, but realize where you are supposed to be when you get there..
The best relief, i agree is being by yourself and knowing that you set time aside for you.

Melissa_J said...

I am also a movie fan, I love to stay in and watch movies, whenever I have time or if its not such a good day outside. However, that doesn't happen often. I don't have a lot of free time and if I do it's spent playing sports. Watching TV is not something I'm into. I'm more of an Internet fiend.

Anallely said...

I think that you are doing the right thing by taking walks. This help excersise the body and the mind. You get relaxed by doing this. I'm glad you take walks instead of going shopping. jajaja alot of use prefer going shopping than going to the park. For me personally going to the park during spring is pretty bad because I 'm allergic to pollen, but nontheless I love to go and walk in the park. I rather do this than spend my time sitting at home doing nothing for myself.

Debbie said...


this is Debra. your blog is pretty. I like the poctures you have on them however the color, I think is too dark. In my opinion, you should have chose a color other than black as a background. the creativatity on the blog is original. I especially like the light bulb and the picture of the world is not half bad.

Jan Michael Dionisio said...

I whole-heartedly agree.. Carpe Diem is the way to go! have fun while we're still here, but also learning from others which helps us to learn about ourselves!
I enjoy your layout of your blog, but the darkness gets to me a bit, maybe play around with the colors? i have to admit, i'm still choosing with my bg, which i will change soon enough. but your content is very detailed and i look forward to reading more of your page as it develops!